Our new custom-made selenium training course covers both theoretical as well as practical aspects of Selenium WebDriver and TestNG frameworks.
We host a comprehensive new Selenium training course, unique to Ireland, covering both the theory and practical side of the Selenium WebDriver & TestNG frameworks.
Our public training courses and workshops can be tailored to your organisations’ individual needs and delivered on your premises. Please contact us for details and prices of private in-house training services.
Basics ofJava
- String Class
- Concatenation Operator
- Control Loops
- Functions
- Objects in Java
- Constructors
- Inheritance
- Interface
- Arrays
- Collections
Introduction toSelenium WebDriver
- Set up WebDriver with Eclipse
- WebDriver Javadoc Files
- Implicit and Explicit Wait
- Locator Strategy in WebDriver
- Browser Commands
- Navigation Commands
- WebElement Commands
- Use of FireBug Firefox plugin
SeleniumWeb Elements
- FindElement and FindElements
- Handling CheckBox and RadioButtons
- Handling various Tabs, Popups, Alerts and Confirmation Windows
- Handling Frames and Dropdowns
- Working with Tables
- Keyboard Events
- Mouse Events: Mouse Hovering
- Close and Quit
- Data-driven framework using MS Excel
- Handling Various Profiles
- Introduction to TestNG
- Installing TestNG in Eclipse (Plug-In)
- TestNG Test Case
- TestNG Test Suite
- Annotations used in TestNG
- TestNG XML
- Test Case Grouping and Dependency
- TestNG Prioritizing and sequencing
- Parameterization and Data Provider in TestNG
- Asserts and Reports in TestNG
- TestNG Data Provider with Excel